The Adult Family Home Council (AFHC) in collaboration with the Department of Labor and Industries has developed the Adult Family Home Worker Safety Awareness Program. AFHC believes that introducing a first-of-its-kind, industry specific, Safety Awareness Training Program will significantly reduce worker injuries in adult family homes. Goals of the program include:
- Create a safe work environment
- Recognize and avoid key safety hazards
- Significantly reduce injuries
- Avoid violations and associated fines from the Department of Labor and Industries
- Maintain compliance with safety rules and regulations
There are 2 main components to the Worker Safety Awareness Program resources. Click the following links to review the associated material:
State Workplace Safety Training Materials (L&I)
There are a total of 8 training modules. Each module has a workbook and associated checklist. The workbook is your initial deep dive into the material and the corresponding checklist is your ongoing quick reference guide. The topics are:
- Module 1: Standards, Inspections, and Reporting Requirements
- Module 2: Accident Prevention Planning and Safety Meeting Requirements
- Module 3: First Aid and Personal Protective Equipment
- Module 4: Sprains and Strains (Ergonomics)
- Module 5: Bloodborne Pathogens and COVID-19
- Module 6: Hazardous Drugs
- Module 7: Preventing Workplace Violence
- Module 8: Workers Compensation and Labor Laws
We have created training videos to help orient you to the AFH Worker Safety Awareness Program.
5 CEU’s are available for completion of the training videos that complement the written materials.
Safety Manual
We understand all of this information can be overwhelming. There are many rules and requirements to follow in order to be in compliance. The AFHC has made this task easier for you by creating safety plan templates. You have the ability to edit the plans to make them specific to your home.
Funding and support for this project has been provided by the State of Washington, Department of Labor & Industries, Safety & Health Investment Projects.
The Adult Family Home Council is solely responsible for the content of and views expressed in this report and related materials unless they have been formally endorsed by the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries.
These documents do not replace any standard or regulation and create no new legal obligations. They are advisory in nature, informational in content, and are intended to assist employers in providing a safe and healthful workplace.