The Department published a Dear Provider Letter on February 27, 2023 informing us that RCS will be contracting with a corporation to provide complaint investigations in adult family homes (AFH) and assisted
living facilities (ALF) from April 2023 through June 2023. The intent is to provide short-term service for the division in addressing outstanding complaint investigations and inspections in AFHs and ALFs resulting from the public health emergency due to COVID-19.

The Contractor service will be comprised of experienced professionals, e.g., registered nurses and social workers. They meet the qualifications to conduct complaint investigations in Washington state.

Department funding comes from state resources. There will be no charge to the adult family homes and assisted living facilities for contracted services.

Upon entrance for each unannounced complaint investigation, contracted professionals will give providers an introduction letter. RCS Field Managers will oversee the contracted complaint investigations throughout the state.

The state will orient and train Contractor professionals to AFH and ALF laws and regulations and RCS Complaint Investigation Standard Operating Procedures. They will function the same as RCS complaint investigators. They are accustomed to conducting complaint investigations in other states. RCS welcomes them to state service. Please work with your staff to be prepared.

We know that the COVID-19 outbreak continues to have significant impact on facilities and homes. We appreciate your willingness to serve citizens under your care in our state. 

Click here to read the entire Dear Provider Letter.