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CE Series Train the Trainer Virtual Academy (PSRS)

Event Information

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Train-the-Trainer Virtual Academy (Webinar): Introduction to Dementia and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)

Speaker/Presenter: Krista Nieman, Puget Sound Regional Services (PSRS)

Contact Information: Krista Nieman,

Summary: This is a train-the-trainer for DDA Community Residential Provider trainers only.  This curriculum teaches Direct Support Professionals a broad overview in Dementia, signs, symptoms and how this disease uniquely presents in individuals who have Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities.  This training includes concrete tools on how to support individuals with these co-occurring conditions and how Direct Support Professionals can prioritize their own self-care.

Notes:  6 CEU, Not For IP. Class registration is limited to 15 participants. Virtual Training link will be sent to you upon successful registration.