DDA: Debriefing Done Right
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[04/09/2025] DDA: Debriefing Done Right
The concept of debriefing is not new, with examples ranging from the casual ‘Q&A’ to an official ‘Post Mortem Inquiry’. Admittedly, one might easily interpret such myriad manifestations as a watering-down to the point of drowning any potential value once held.
This could not be further from the truth. The breadth and scope are a testament to the tool’s effectiveness.
The devaluation stems from misappropriation, where individuals, well-intentioned or otherwise, attempt to turn the tool from one of clarifying process inquiry to one of obfuscation or use it to feed personal or political agendas. In this 6-hour class Roger uses real-world examples to illustrate the origins of his model, establish the value of each component, and reveal harm done to agencies, their staff, and those we serve when we short-change the process.
Debriefing Done Right© is organized around principles of mutual respect, honest inquiry, and the positive affirmation, ‘we can always do better’. With this as it’s foundation the program is designed to coach Supervisors, Managers, and Lead Staff on the skill-sets and perspectives necessary to manifest real, measurable change in the quality of life of those we serve and in the confidence, competence, and job satisfaction of our DSPs.
Learning Objectives:
• Students will be able to use the principles taught to reduce defensiveness in self and others when in highly charged situation and open, honest conversation is required.
• Students will learn what the 3 essential components of effective debriefing are and how to effectively use them