Lakewood Chapter Meeting Event Information In-Person Category: Chapter Meeting, Lakewood Chapter 06/18/2024 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Add to iCal / Outlook Add To Google Calendar Apostolic Faith Church 5319 San Francisco Ave SW, Lakewood, WA 98499, USALakewood Chapter MeetingTuesday,June 18, 20242:00pm — 5:00pmApostalic Faith Church5319 San Francisco Ave SW Lakewood, WA 98499Presentation Topic:Infection Control and PreventionPresented by John Grieco, LPN, Clinical Liaison with Continuum HospiceAttendees will review and understand:Standard precautionsOther levels of precautionsPPE and its useSafe disposal of potentially biohazardous waste1.5 CEU available to all AFH Council members who attend.Lunch Sponsor: