Webinar: Where Should I Open an Adult Family Home?
- Do you have passion for working with the elderly or persons with disabilities?
- Would you like to work for yourself?
- Have you ever considered supplementing your income by providing care to someone in your home?
Join us for a free Zoom presentation to discuss the fundamental steps required to develop and open an Adult Family Home.
Underserved areas:
- Marysville/Arlington, north end of Snohomish County
- Skagit, Island and Whatcom Counties
- Vashon Island in King County
- Clallam and Jefferson
- Grays Harbor and Pacific
- Adams, Douglas, Ferry, Lincoln, Okanogan, pend Oreille, Stevens Counties
- Yakima, Klickitat, Walla Walla, Columbia, Garfield and Asotin Counties.
Register: https://dshs-telehealth.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcoduygpjIsEtdNbbhuVsTYJR0XUeYXxo9G