Home Care Aide Instructors – you are invited to join The Department of Health (DOH) in an important conversation that affects you!
What: Facility Training Program Information Gathering
When/Where: August 17, 2023 at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) / Zoom meeting link below
Why: The Department of Health is looking for input from Washington home care aide facility training programs on options for the Home Care Aide examination process. Examples of the options may include:
- Allowing approved training programs to administer the written and skills exams
- Giving students the option to take tests throughout the training instead of one final test after all training is done
- Other thoughts you may have
This research is being conducted due to the passage of Senate Bill 5278 which, among other things, requests the Department of Health develop a plan to integrate the certification exam into the training programs so that applicants can test at the same location where they train. This affects you directly, so your feedback is valuable!
Zoom Meeting Information
Meeting ID: 848 4252 9597
Passcode: 973001
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Meeting ID: 848 4252 9597
Passcode: 973001
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kk8jmbW6n