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WAC Medication Disposal

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What to Know About the Updated Medication Disposal Policy

The Medication Disposal policy WAC 388-76-10490 has been updated as of March 10, 2025. We have included the WAC and helpful resources below, with an updated policy template to adopt for your home. Be sure to include the information fact sheets for your preferred disposal method in your binder alongside the policy and tracking sheet for best practice!

Medication Disposal Policy WAC

WAC 388-76-10490

Medication disposal—Written policy—Required.

(1) For the purposes of this section, “discontinued” means medication that is no longer prescribed or being used to treat a condition, as directed by the resident’s physician or health care professional with prescriptive authority.

(2) The adult family home must develop and implement a written policy addressing the safe disposal of resident medications that have been discontinued, have expired, or were refused by the resident. The policy must:

(a) Comply with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding medication disposal;

(b) Address the safe disposal of medications for current residents, deceased residents, and residents who have discharged from the facility; and

(i) For current residents the facility must safely dispose of discontinued medications, expired medications, and refused medications within 30 calendar days of discontinuation, expiration, or resident refusal;

(ii) For deceased residents the facility must safely dispose of all medications within 30 calendar days of the resident’s death; and

(iii) For discharged residents the facility must:

(A) Assist with the transfer of the resident’s medications to the resident’s new setting, when needed;

(B) End fulfillment, delivery, and receipt of prescription medications within 10 calendar days; and

(C) Safely dispose of any medications left at the adult family home after 90 calendar days.

(c) Require that the safe disposal of the medication is recorded in a document that includes:

(i) Name of resident;

(ii) Name of medication;

(iii) Amount of medication;

(iv) Date of disposal or transfer; and

(v) Name of individual completing the task.

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Membership fees enable the Council to cover legal expenses and fund staff to advocate with the state and regulatory agencies. The participation of every adult family home is vital to ensuring fair regulations and rates that accurately reflect the costs of caring for our vulnerable adults. Consider becoming a member of the Council to help us continue improving conditions for all adult family homes in Washington State.