Vote PRO on HB 2347!
March 25, 2024 Update
HB 2347 was signed into law today!
February 1, 2024 Update
HB 2347 was unanimously passed out of Committee and is on its way to the Senate! We will have another opportunity to express our support for this bill before it is voted on again. Watch the vote below:
January 26, 2024 Update
HB 2347 is now scheduled for an executive session on Tuesday, January 30, when it will be voted on by the committee to determine whether it will move on to the next stage.
Dear Providers,
Adult family homes across the state have witnessed a significant surge in their liability insurance premiums. We’ve heard your concerns and have learned that this is largely due to insurance companies looking at inspection and investigation reports online and then deciding to raise providers premiums or just outright refuse coverage even if the home has been cleared of any findings from the state.
To address this issue, the AFH Council has been working with lawmakers to introduce legislation that would only allow DSHS to include substantiated findings in the reports.
We’re excited to let you all know that the bill, HB 2347, has been introduced and has its first hearing Tuesday, January 23, 2024. The bill seeks to remove unfounded allegations and de minimis findings from the reports posted online. We are asking all of you to vote PRO on HB 2347. This legislation is one of two steps we are taking to address the lack of affordable liability insurance in adult family homes.
How to Show Your Support
To sign in PRO, click on the link below and select your position. Please remember to fill out your first and last name, your adult family home name, and address before submitting your vote in PRO.
The AFH Council will testify in support of the bill on Tuesday, January 23, at 1:30pm. Votes must be submitted by 12:30pm that day.