Elder Village Partners
Elder Village Partners Consulting will help the Adult Family Home Provider prepare for the State Required Inspections (Initial, Ongoing, & Annual). We will help with response to deficiencies by putting in place policies & procedures in the AFH and corrective action plans if needed.
The services Elder Village Partners Consulting provide include, establishing the “Administrative System” in the Adult Family Home, preparing the AFH license applications, conducting pre-Inspections for building & AFH licensure, auditing staff credentials & resident medications, providing AFH provider & staff education regarding resident care, Infection control, medication management, staff development, marketing, leadership, and management. We will conduct the Admissions Assessments, generate comprehensive Preliminary and Negotiated Care Plans, & provide Nursing Delegation if needed. We will assist with Risk Assessments and AFH Compliance and will assist with Senior Referrals & admission into the AFH. If you want to learn more information about what we do, we can Schedule an onsite AFH Inspection or set a free 1 hour Zoom meeting. Click onto our website and Meet our team of Consultants.
Eldervillagepartners@gmail.com | 1-888-410-0943
For more information, visit www.eldervillagepartners.com
Contact Information
Consulting & Assessments, Consulting Services, Nurse Delegation