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Lacey Chapter Meeting

Event Information

Category: Chapter Meeting, Lacey Chapter
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
MyMedSupplies – Community Room
6149 Martin Way East, Lacey, WA 98516, USA

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[03/19/2025] Lacey Chapter Meeting

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

11:00 am  – 2:00 pm

MyMedSupplies – Community Room

6149 Martin Way E

Lacey, WA 98516


Challenging Behaviors with Residents who have Dementia

presented by Laura Vaillancourt, LMHC, GMHS, Geriatric Case Manager with Elder Care Counseling

Talking points include:

•          What are challenging behaviors? Needs or desires not being met, Inability to communicate

•          ALL BEHAVIOR IS COMMUNICATION: What is being communicated? Ie: pain, loneliness, boredom, anxiety/fear, curiosity, etc

•          Why is it important to understand? Quality of life

•          Assess for reasons: Sudden change in condition, depression, infection/UTI, med s/e, pain, Dehydration, Sleep, Nutrition, Delirium

•          Who or what is being challenged? Caregiver, PWD

•          Solution/problem solving/reframing

•          We can’t solve problems from a stress state: (CG stress and impact)

•          Level of concern: Minimal safety/risk, medium safety rik, high safety risk

•          Common types of challenges

•          Assessing/review

•          Types of dementia/stages of dementia

•          Curiosity/approach/interventions

1.5 CE hours available to all AFH Council members who attend


Lunch Sponsor: