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Lacey Chapter Meeting

June 21, 2023

11:00 am  – 2:00 pm

MyMedSupplies – Community Room

6149 Martin Way E

Lacey, WA 98516


Mild Cognitive Impairment and the Future of Brain Health

presented by Brad Livingstone, Pharmacist & Michelle Kautzmann, Pharmacist

Learning objectives:

• Statistics of Dementia, Alzheimer in the future

• Identify advantages of awareness, early detection, prevention, and treatment of Mild of Cognitive Impairment- Likelihood of Mild of Cognitive Impairment leading to dementia

• Identify Disease states that potentially cause Mild Cognitive Impairment

• Identify Drugs that cause Mild Cognitive Impairment

• Identify Treatment options for Mild Cognitive Impairment

        o Behavioral, supplements, activities, foods

• Testing of Mild Cognitive Impairment – Cognivue


1.0 CE hour available to all AFH Council members who attend


Lunch Sponsor:

P: 1.360.754.3329

F: 1.360.943.6653

T: 1.888.439.8999