State staff and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) are hosting weekly rapid response calls for providers who have questions about the transition from Behavioral Health Personal Care (BHPC) to CBHS, including questions about authorization, payment, and contracting.
While issues may not always be resolved during the call, it is the place to bring forward questions. The group can then determine a rapid response plan, which could include follow-up calls/emails/technical assistance, etc.
Please note: These calls are not for discussing individual client information. Specific contract, billing or concerns about a particular MCO should not be shared in detail on these calls, but you can request follow-up with them at this meeting to discuss with them later one on one.
Meeting Details:
Mondays From 8:00am — 8:30am
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 263 493 458 84 Passcode: KGgdMi
Or call in (audio only) (833) 322-1218 United States (Toll-free) Phone Conference ID: 156 574 931#
Important Reminder — Send Resident Information Securely
We would like to emphasize the importance of securing all forms of communication, including emails, texts, pictures and phone calls containing resident’s information. Any form of communication regarding or including resident information, such as name, date of birth, etc. must be sent securely. If you do not have secure email, you may request a secure email be sent to you by the resident’s MCO. This will allow communication to take place securely regarding the resident.