Weekly Advocacy Update
Jan 14, 2025
On behalf of the Adult Family Home Council, the following handouts/links are for those of you who are wanting to engage with the legislative process. Our advocacy team is offering weekly webinars that are considered Continuing Education Credits. Every Tuesday during this session, we will be working on maintaining engagement in the legislative process. January 21st at 2:00pm is our next webinar designed to educate you on what relationships matter in the legislative process.
While our membership advocates for all AFHs in Washington, we are stronger together! With the growing demands of our workforce joining our membership will amplify our voice.
We will be sharing weekly updates with you to ensure you have access to helpful information.
I cannot emphasize enough: your voice is important. When our elected officials hear from you, they have specific examples of how they can be helping their communities.
My humble ask this session is that you stay engaged. Please be on the lookout for our webinars, calls to actions, updates, and events.
If you are not yet a member, learn more about the benefits.
Check our Events page to register for weekly Tuesday Legislative Webinars.
Courtney Williams, MPA
Advocacy Coordinator, Adult Family Home Council
Legislative Resources
- If you missed our webinar, get the Presentation Slides
- The Washington State Legislature updated their website. Access it at: https://leg.wa.gov
- Get tips on how to navigate the new Washington State Legislature website
- Learn more about how the legislative process works in this Overview guide
- Get information on the Roles and Responsibilities of our elected officials and government branches
2025 Legislative Priorities
We have set three main goals this legislative session that you can find on our 2025 Legislative Priorities list. If you are attending our webinars and our Lobby Day, we will be crafting our talking points on our Legislative Asks handout. Our main request is to include AFHs in existing legislation and ensure that they receive equitable compensation.
Modify RCW 41.56.465. With nearly 65% of beds funded by Medicaid in AFHs, Medicaid’s low reimbursement rates have led to higher turnover, disrupting continuity of care, and adversely affecting residents’ health and safety.
Recognizing AFH’s in this legislation will eliminate disparities in pay and working conditions, establishing an equitable caregiving environment.
Collective Bargaining Agreement
We have also requested to fully fund the AFHC’s 25-27 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
Secure funding for the agreement reached between the governor and the adult family home council under the provisions of chapter 41.56 RCW for the 2025-2027 fiscal biennium.
The state benefits by funding or CBA with federal matching funds. Only 45% of the income will come from GF-State, while the remaining 55% will come from GF-Federal. This funding increase is a direct result of the 47% rise in Medicaid services in AFH’s.
Not a Member Yet?
Membership fees enable the Council to cover legal expenses and fund staff to advocate with the state and regulatory agencies. The participation of every adult family home is vital to ensuring fair regulations and rates that accurately reflect the costs of caring for our vulnerable adults. Consider becoming a member of the Council to help us continue improving conditions for all adult family homes in Washington State.