Action Needed: Support HB 1398!
Our bill to require considerations for equitable pay, HB 1398, had nearly 1,400 individuals signed in PRO for its hearing on January 28. Thank you to everyone who participated and spread the word! We also want to extend our gratitude to the 12 representatives who sponsored the bill, with a special thank you to Representative Shaun Scott for serving as the primary sponsor.
With the initial hearing behind us, HB 1398 will next be heard in the Labor and Workplace Standards Committee Executive Session. This is a closed meeting where committee members will discuss and vote on the bill.
While we’ve made great progress, our work isn’t finished. There are still important steps we can take to make sure our representatives understand how crucial this bill is for the future of adult family homes.
What we need you to do no later than Wednesday, Feb. 5:
Step 1:
Reach out to each member of the House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee to thank them for hearing this bill. Each representatives’ email is listed below:
- Representative Lillian Ortiz-Self: lillian.ortiz-self@leg.wa.gov
- Representative Shaun Scott: shaun.scott@leg.wa.gov
- Representative Alex Ybarra: alex.ybarra@leg.wa.gov
- Representative Liz Berry: liz.berry@leg.wa.gov
- Representative Dan Bronoske: dan.bronoske@leg.wa.gov
- Representative Joel McEntire: joel.mcentire@leg.wa.gov
- Representative Mary Fosse: mary.fosse@leg.wa.gov
- Representative Suzanne Schmidt: Suzanne.schmidt@leg.wa.gov
- Representative Edwin Obras: Edwin.obras@leg.wa.gov
You can also find the contact information for each representative on the House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee page.
Draft Message to Committee Members:
Subject Line: Thank you for hearing HB1398, please vote YES on 2/7!
My name is [Your Name]. I live in [City]. I am a [Adult Family Home Operator/Supporter/Employee/Family Member/Your Role].
I am writing to ask you to vote Pro for HB 1398. You heard on 1/28/25 public testimony and could see by the sign ins (almost 1400 individuals signing in pro) the significance this bill plays for adult family homes and the vulnerable populations we serve.
If you aren’t familiar with an adult family home, we support the highest acuity of residents for any home and community-based setting. In my home specifically, [what is a scenario of a person who you’ve provided care to that had an enhanced quality of life because of the care only AFH’s can provide.]
As an adult family home provider, I am expected to have a minimum of 1000 hours of experience before I can apply for a license. I am responsible for owning a home, developing policies, ensuring my home is up to code, and meeting all licensing requirements. Yet my rates are based on wages significantly lower than what other Medicaid programs pay for a worker with less experience to become trained in this work. This makes it increasingly challenging for our sector to recruit and retain a qualified workforce.
Supporting and passing HB1398 is an issue of equity.
Thank you,
[Your Name]
Step 2:
Email your legislator about HB 1398. As a reminder, when our bill progresses through the process, each representative will get a vote on this Bill. We need ALL HANDS ON DECK. You can directly email your representative through this link: https://app.leg.wa.gov/pbc/bill/1398.
Please remember to choose “SUPPORT” as your position.
In the comment section, please include the following message:
Dear Representative,
As a member of The Adult Family Home Council, and [Your Role], I urge you to vote in support of HB 1398. On January 28th, HB 1398 was heard in the House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee. This bill had overwhelming support with nearly 1,400 individuals signed in support with no opposition.
What HB 1398 will achieve: Including adult family homes (AFHs) in Existing Law to ensure that AFHs Receive Equitable Compensation. You can find the bill here: https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2025-26/Htm/Bills/House%20Bills/1398.htm
How? This bill will modify existing legislation, RCW 41.56.465.
With nearly 65% of beds funded by Medicaid in AFHs, Medicaid’s low reimbursement rates have led to higher turnover, disrupting continuity of care, and adversely affecting residents’ health and safety.
Why? Recognizing AFHs in this legislation will eliminate disparities in pay and working conditions, thus establishing an equitable caregiving environment.
Thank you for your consideration,
[Your Name]
Not a Member Yet?
Membership fees enable the Council to cover legal expenses and fund staff to advocate with the state and regulatory agencies. The participation of every adult family home is vital to ensuring fair regulations and rates that accurately reflect the costs of caring for our vulnerable adults. Consider becoming a member of the Council to help us continue improving conditions for all adult family homes in Washington State.