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Speak Out Against Budget Cuts!

It’s time to press on in our stand against proposed budget cuts. The proposed House and Senate Budgets have been published and here’s what they include:

  1. Meaningful Day is discontinued in both budgets.
  2. An increase to annual Bed Fees is included in both budgets.

  3. A Liability Insurance Cost Study Report is being considered/conducted. More information to come on April 4th.

Get the full scope of changes from the House and Senate budgets.

Get Involved!

We’re asking that you vote “OTHER” on both budgets to help ensure that these critical issues are addressed. Your message will not only raise awareness but also send a clear signal that we need to protect the individualized care we offer to vulnerable populations. Take action today by submitting a written testimony that tells legislators how these decisions will impact your AFH, your residents, and our communities.

Please follow both steps for maximum impact!

Step 1: Vote "OTHER" on the House Budget

  • Visit this link to vote “OTHER” on the House budget
  • Include a testimony in the “Written Testimony” section
  • Don’t know your legislative district? Find it here.

Draft Message:

My name is [Your Name] I am from District [Your District]. I am an [role within Adult Family Homes] and a member of the Adult Family Home Council writing to express both gratitude and concerns with the House Operating Budget.

While we thank you for supporting the funding for our Collective Bargaining Agreement, cutting Meaningful Day creates harm to [Benefits of Meaningful Day]. This program is critical for vulnerable populations to receive care. [Insert why this program can’t be cut.]

Additionally, increasing our licensing fees creates a cost burden for our homes. Please reconsider these cuts so we can continue doing the important work our state needs from us.

Thank you for your time,


Step 2: Vote "OTHER" on the Senate Budget

  • Visit this link to vote “OTHER” on the Senate budget
  • Include a testimony in the “Written Testimony” section

Draft Message:

My name is [Your Name] I am from District [Your District]. I am an [Role Within Adult Family Homes] and a member of the Adult Family Home Council writing to express both gratitude and concerns with the House Operating Budget.

While we thank you for supporting the funding for our Collective Bargaining Agreement, cutting Meaningful Day creates harm to [Benefits of Meaningful Day]. This program is critical for vulnerable populations to receive care. [Insert Why This Program Can’t Be Cut.]

Additionally, increasing our licensing fees creates a cost burden for our homes. Please reconsider these cuts so we can continue doing the important work our state needs from us.

Thank you for your time,

[Your Name]

Please send questions to

Not a Member Yet?

Membership fees enable the Council to cover legal expenses and fund staff to advocate with the state and regulatory agencies. The participation of every adult family home is vital to ensuring fair regulations and rates that accurately reflect the costs of caring for our vulnerable adults. Consider becoming a member of the Council to help us continue improving conditions for all adult family homes in Washington State.