Vote PRO on HB 2015!
February 9, 2024 Update
HB 2015 has now reached the senate and is open for voting. Please vote PRO to express your support for this bill and read our newest member news post:
Latest HB 2015 Member News Post
February 1, 2024 Update
HB 2015 has unanimously passed the House Floor and is on its way to the Senate!
January 19, 2024 Update
The bill has now passed the first committee and has been sent onward to the Floor, the next step in the process.
January 12, 2024 Update
We asked that providers vote pro for House Bill 2015, and within less than 24 hours we saw an enormous show of support in favor of it. The Council testified during the the hearing on Wednesday, January 10, and the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness met again to discuss the bill on Friday, January 12. We expect to receive an update on the bill’s progress in the coming days and will keep you informed as we receive additional information.
Dear Providers,
January 8th marked the beginning of the legislative session and we are already in full swing with testimonies, upcoming public hearings, and floor debates. This session is scheduled to conclude on March 7th, which means every legislative bill introduced this session, and last session has 60 days to go through all the appropriate committees, pass the legislature and make it to the governor’s desk. It’s going to be an intense 60 days, but we’ll be working to keep everyone up to date.
About HB 2015
We have our first public hearing for a bill that will help expedite the inspection process for adult family homes looking to expand to their seventh or eighth bed. House Bill 2015, sponsored by Representative Tana Senn, allows DSHS to complete the first inspection for a home looking to expand to a seven or eighth bed as soon as they receive the application if the home has met the necessary requirements. It also allows them to complete a second inspection as soon as they receive the application if at least 6 months have passed since the first inspection.
We are asking everyone to vote PRO in support of HB 2015. There are homes that have met the requirements to expand to a seven or eight bed, including waiting 24 months since the issuance of their initial adult family home license, but are still unable to expand their bed capacity because they are unable to get a second or even first inspection.
How to Show Your Support
Click the button below to select your position for the bill as PRO. Please remember to fill out your first and last name, as well as your adult family home name and address before submitting your vote.
The AFH Council will testify in support of the bill on Wednesday, January 10th, at 1:30pm. Votes must be submitted by 12:30pm that day. Please contact amina@adultfamilyhomecouncil.org with any questions.