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Vote PRO on HB 2347 for its Senate Hearing!


March 5, 2024 Update

HB 2347 is now on its way to be signed in at the governor’s desk!

February 16, 2024 Update

HB 2347 just had its Senate hearing today, February 16, so please stay tuned for updates!

Dear Providers,

As you may know, HB 2347, which would ensure that DSHS only includes substantiated findings in the reports posted online, unanimously passed out of the house last week. The bill was sent to the Senate for review and final passage, and is now scheduled for a new public hearing on Friday, February 16, 2024 at 8:00am. 

We are asking all of you to once again make your voice heard by clicking the button below and voting PRO on HB 2347!

About HB 2347

HB 2347 modifies the content of the consumer-oriented website outlined in RCW 70.128 by removing investigation and inspection documents containing unsubstantiated allegations and di minimus findings.  

This bill is a part of a larger strategy to address the rising cost and increasing limits on access to liability insurance coverage for adult family homes. Lack of affordable and appropriate liability coverage threatens the continued development and operation of the adult family home sector. In addition to seeing huge increases to liability insurance costs, underwriters are placing restrictions on the type of residents and level of disability that can be served in an AFH. These underwriting restrictions include limits on serving bedbound residents, people living with dementia, people with mental health diagnosis, and other limits that undermine the intent of providing opportunities for people to live in the community, outside an institution, and receive quality care. Moving this bill forward is one of two steps we’re taking to address these issues.

As a result, HB 2347 will encourage a more fair and accurate underwriting process without compromising the availability of public information on the status of annual inspections reports or investigation findings.

Make Your Voice Heard!

To vote PRO on HB 2347, click on the link below and select your position. Please remember to fill out your first and last name, your adult family home name, and address before submitting your vote in PRO.

The AFH Council will testify in support of the bill on Friday, February 16, at 8:00am. Votes must be submitted by 7:00am that day.

Votes must be submitted by 7:00am on Friday, February 16.

Please contact with any questions.

Vote PRO on HB 2347

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Membership fees enable the Council to cover legal expenses and fund staff to advocate with the state and regulatory agencies. The participation of every adult family home is vital to ensuring fair regulations and rates that accurately reflect the costs of caring for our vulnerable adults. Consider becoming a member of the Council to help us continue improving conditions for all adult family homes in Washington State.