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What to Know if You’re Going on Vacation

What to Know if You’re Going on Vacation

It’s that time of year where many of us are planning vacations with family and friends. Don’t forget to ensure residents will have continuity in their care during your planning! During your absence, you must have a qualified caregiver in your home and a designated individual to handle administrative tasks and emergencies. Having this support is crucial while you’re away.

You will want to do the following to continue successful operation of your AFH during your vacation:

• Always have a qualified caregiver in the home.

• Have a qualified caregiver who is comfortable answering questions about the residents, interacting with DSHS and has access to all resident and employee records.

• Review contacting emergency personnel and other emergency policies with your staff prior to leaving.

• Ensure there is a plan for groceries and residents’ needs during your absence.

• Have your contact information available to your staff.

• Have a plan if something happens (such as caregiver quits, emergencies etc).

• Let DSHS know you’re going on vacation as a courtesy. (Not a requirement.)

If you have questions or want to find out who your Field Manager is, please contact us and we can assist you. Enjoy your vacation and have fun!

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